Sunday, October 6, 2013

Plants in the Office

Can plants in the workplace really “grow” your bottom line?

Plants are a huge part of nature’s ecological system. Gone is the day of making terrariums and vivarium’s in the classroom (maybe not so long ago for some of us). But the concept is still there and as humans we need plants. So naturally it makes sense to welcome plants into our closed off offices and work-spaces for a healthier environment.   

But how exactly do plants help your workers and customers?  

Botanicals Infographic

Healthier Employees

Plants have proven to reduce ailments in the workplace.
  •  Fatigue reduced by 20%
  • Headache reduced by 30%
  • Dry Skin reduced by 25%
  • Coughs reduced by 40%
  •   Sore Throat reduced by 30%

Better Productivity

Did you know that job stress is responsible for an estimated annual cost of $10,000 per employee due to turnover, absenteeism, and diminished productivity, and medical costs? Studies have found a link between having interior plants and the retention and the hiring of top employees. They have also found plants have an impact on the following.
  • Plants reduce absenteeism by as much as 40%
  • 12% improvement in worker productivity
  •  Up to a 40% reduction in ailments

Less Stress

Have you ever felt that stress played a factor on your productivity where you work? If you have you are not alone. Over 50% of employees said they less productive at work as a result of stress and over 40% say they typically feel tense or stressed out. While other factors are often involved most employees report that work is a significant source of stress. A study conductedin 2010 shows us that plants really do lift spirits. They have found significant reduction in tension/anxiety, depression/dejection, anger/hostility, fatigue, and confusion.

Cleaner Air

Did you know that buildings can be up to 10 times more polluted than the outside air? That’s right, 10 times. I don’t know about you, but that makes me want to go take a shower. But don’t worry, we have more good news for you. You guessed it, plants. Plants can remove up to 87% of indoor air pollutants within 24 hours. In fact plants release chemicals that suppress mold spores and bacteria in the ambient air.

More Money

Yes, we saved the best for last. Not only can plants in the workplace reduce costs significantly and improve quality of life as shown above, but in retail environments and businesses that deal with clients, members, and customers, we have some good news for you. Studies show that a business has professionally maintained plants, patrons stay longer and visit more frequently. Customers rate the quality of products 30% higher and customers are willing to an average of 12% more for goods.

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